Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Eagle’s Nest Treehouse and Shenandoah National Park Ethan V.

             Eagle’s Nest Treehouse and Shenandoah National Park

                                                                 By Ethan V.
    We were lucky to be with Koko in person for her birthday this year, which is a first for us! To celebrate we drove to a tree house in Virginia called the Eagle’s Nest treehouse. We also took a hike in the Shenandoah National Park, which was the first time Izzy and I had been there. 
    We started off the day in Koko’s house in D.C, where she opened her birthday presents. After we ate breakfast we hit the road for a 2 hour drive to Shenandoah National Park. The park is known for having lots of black bears, which was scary for me to hear because I did not want to see one.
    When we got there around noon, we had 4 hours before we could check into our Airbnb so we went for a hike before driving there. We went on the Rose River Falls trail, which was a fairly easy trail to a waterfall. We took pictures but I was getting very freaked out because there were a ton of millipedes there climbing on the rocks and ground. After a little we headed back to the car, and during the walk back I counted seeing 18 millipedes (it was extremely scary). Luckily we didn’t see any bears the entire time on the trail.

    Then we decided to drive South to the visitors center because we had to go that way to go to the treehouse anyway. On the way to the visitors center, though, a deer ran through the street right in front of us and we were very close to hitting it. We made it to the visitors center and after looking through it we went on to a store a little bit away. There we got snacks and I got a checkers game to play at the treehouse.
    After this we drove about 45 minutes to the treehouse. It is very cool and they really went in with the eagle theme of the house. Everywhere you look is something about eagles. After playing games like checkers (I beat Izzy) and Uno, we had pasta for dinner.

    Then we took a quick walk around the area where our treehouse is and we saw the pond down the road. It has crocodile statues in it that Izzy and I thought were real at first because of how realistic they are, even though you are allowed to swim in the pond. Also near the treehouse was a farm area where we saw a lot of cows that were very cute. 
    We ended the day by hanging out in the hot tub and I watched the Disney movie Brother Bear.

1 comment:

  1. I am waiting now for my chance to spend a night in a tree house like the one you enjoyed so much! What a perfect way to start your vacation with KoKo! I'm glad you got to see the deer running across the road but sorry that you missed seeing any bears!Also happy that you were able to see the eagles!


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