Sunday, August 20, 2017

Reflections on Japan -- by Izzy

My mom asked us to write some thoughts about our trip to Japan. So I asked her to ask us some questions.

Q: What did you love about Japan?
A: I loved all of the different types of food like yakiniku, sushi, and tempura. Everything had a great taste. I also loved meeting everybody who helped make our trip very fun and easy (all of Yuji's family -- Reiko, Fumiko, Kayoko, Mitsuko, Hiroko, Rina, Kazuki, and the Ikedas, Hiramarus, Rumi & Souri, Haruna!).

Q: What was different than your life in San Diego?
A: Some things that are different are the pachinko parlors, the shrines and temples, and the transportation. In San Diego most people get around by car. We don't have a train system but we do have buses. My family rarely rides the bus because we don't have to.  But we walk a lot and they walk a lot in Japan too.

Q: What did you think about the people in Japan?
A: Everyone we met was very nice and helpful. Everybody helped us out and some made us delicious meals! In Hiroshima, Haruna whom we had never met before, met us at the train station and took us all around Hiroshima! People were just so kind!

Q:  What was the best thing you ate in Japan?
A: The best thing I ate in Japan was the Yakiniku. I loved cooking the meat and eating it, too.😜 The sauce had lots of flavor!

Q: What do you miss the most about Japan?
A: I miss the awesome bathrooms and cool traditional houses! The toilet is separate from the bath and shower, which is so smart!!! The water in the tubs is really warm and it feels so good. I also love the rooms with the tatami mats. I love how clean the houses are and how you always have to take off your shoes which keeps the house VERY clean!

Q: What will you ALWAYS remember about your first time in Japan?
A: I will always remember the toilets! They are very fancy and have many different settings. The seat is warm and it flushes by itself! Also the ofuro, the deep soaking tubs. I loved all of the cat stores, too. There were so many awesome cat stores that we saw! They must love cats in Japan as much as I do!

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