Friday, July 7, 2017



Today on the way home from YORKTOWN we stopped at KOKO'S friends house. Her name is DEBS. Her house is like a MANSION! She has a pool, a little cabin where the horses live, four  big things of grass for the horses, a side part, a horse racing track, a BIG FRONT YARD, and a barn. And  actually we got to drive a TRACTOR that was like a car. The fastest I drove was 16 miles per hour!   The video up there↑↑ is a video of me driving the tractor and Izzy filmed it when she rode in the trunk and she was scared! I was scared when Izzy was driving the first time because I thought she was going to crash us into a tree. But, luckily we survived. The fastest Izzy went was 15 miles per hour and I wasn't scared. I thought Izzy is going to be a wreck less driver when she grows up but she doubted it.Then she said I was going to be a wreck less driver and I said NO WAY!  Another thing is the horses were BLADE and CRAFTY. My favorite horse was CRAFTY because it seemed like he was more friendly and he ate out of my hand. But Izzy rode BLADE. BLADE is smaller and he seemed not as strong because he was younger.
This is the horse CRAFTY.

This is Izzy on BLADE.


  1. DUUUUUDE!!! How cool?!? I can't see the video cuz it throws an error, but I hope we can see it when you get home. Love that you got to ride horses and drive a ��!

  2. Ethan - I love your blog. Thank you for coming over. It was so nice to meet you and Izzy. You both did so well driving. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip.

    1. Thank you!! We loved visiting you and riding Blade!-Izzy

    2. Thank you for commenting and I want to drive again. - ETHAN

  3. I can't believe you guys got to drive already and 16mph is going kind of fast for a first timer! I'll have to watch the video when I get to DC tomorrow.


Our Trip to Washington D.C.

 Our Trip to Washington, D.C. Izzy 8/19/2021     We got back from Washington, D.C. a couple days ago. I had a great time with Koko and we di...