Saturday, June 24, 2017

Lovelace Park, a favorite place -- by Izzy

                                          Mom and I are on top of a big hill that we sled
                                            down during the winter. Now Mom and I are
                                            enjoying the grass on a warm sunny day.

Going to Lovelace is one of the best parts of the day--we can feed the geese, play on the play structure, and kick the ball. The geese are very friendly and brave--they even eat bread out of our hands! They are always happy to see us, but mostly if we have food! We always go to Lovelace when we visit Chicago and it is only 5 minutes away from Momo and Jiji's house. We also visit during Christmas and like to sled down the hill in the snow.
                                   Ethan and I are on one of the big hills.
                                           Ethan likes to kick the soccer ball really high and I
                                           sometimes roll down the hill.


  1. This makes me so happy! I love they you guys love Lovelace so much, and it's SO cool that the geese eat out of your hands now!!

  2. Lovelace is awesome...I especially loved sledding down that hill in the winter. Have fun feeding those geese!

  3. What a sweet photo of you and your mom. I love that you have a such a special place with so many past experiences and future memories-in-the-making!


Our Trip to Washington D.C.

 Our Trip to Washington, D.C. Izzy 8/19/2021     We got back from Washington, D.C. a couple days ago. I had a great time with Koko and we di...