Friday, July 10, 2020

COVID-19 Stole My Annual Summer Trip By Ethan V.

                                         COVID-19 Stole My Annual Summer Trip    7-10-20
 By Ethan V.

     To kick off my summer vacation for the past 5 years, my sister and I have been visiting my Grandparents (Momo and Jiji) in Evanston, Illinois and then we go on an adventure with my aunt Koko. This year our streak has been broken due to COVID-19 and because it isn't safe to fly during the global health crisis. This is very sad because without this trip and my camps, I am stuck at home and can only talk to my friends over the phone.

    Usually at this time I would be with Koko and we would be traveling somewhere. For the last 3 years we have been to Vermont, Thomas Jefferson's House, Monticello (in Virginia), George Washington's house, Mount Vernon (also in Virginia) and last but not least Williamsburg in Virginia as well. We also went to Yorktown, Hershey Park in PA, Harper's Ferry.  One of the things I love the most about being with Koko and traveling with her is how we always end up on a adventure and we always create a funny story to tell when we are traveling.

    When we go to Momo & Jiji's, we usually do things like watch the 4th of July Central Street parade and catch fireflies. We also get top notch Japanese lessons from Jiji. Those are very fun and even more fun when we do calligraphy with ink and a brush. We spend a lot of time playing with Koubou, our grandparents cat who we helped pick out of the shelter.

    When I was looking at the old photos from our trips, I feel sad because this year we won't have lots of fun exploring different places with Koko and I won't get to see Momo, Jiji and Koubou :(.

    Next year, I hope that things are back to normal and we can go back to tennis camp in Evanston and go to Salem, Massachusetts like we were supposed to with Koko this year.

1 comment:

  1. COVID stole my summer trip, too, Ethan. It's a real bummer. I hope you'll be able to go back to Evanston next year, too! And in the meantime, I love the research you've been doing and the fun you've been having, despite all that is going on. Way to find the bright side of things! :)
