Saturday, July 11, 2020

What's going on with the 2020 Olympics? By Ethan V.

                                         What's going on with the 2020 Olympics?  7-11-20
By Ethan V.
    The 2020 Summer Olympics were scheduled to start July 29th, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic they were postponed until July 23rd, 2021. This could be very bad or potentially very good for the 11,091 athletes competing in the Olympics. Many of these athletes have been training for 4 years for this opportunity and COVID-19 is messing up their whole training plan. On the other hand, some athletes might have had an injury or not have been ready for the start date of July 2020, but they could be ready for July 2021. With one more year to train for the Olympics, some athletes can get better at their sports/events or also get injured while training.
    The delay is very sad news for me because the Olympics are always something to look forward to and it's the Summer Olympics which in my opinion have the best sports. My favorite sports in the Summer Olympics are basketball and swimming (not synchronized swimming). I also like to watch track and field to see how fast some people can run and occasionally some javelin and pole vaulting.

    For the 2020 Summer Olympics, the Olympic committee have added 5 new sports to the games. The new sports are baseball, softball, skateboarding, sport climbing, and surfing. Out of all of these, I am most excited to watch the skateboarding competition because pro skateboarders can pull off some very cool tricks and flips, I'll just have to wait until July 2021.

Olympic symbols - Wikipedia



  1. I'm sorry about the Olympics too. Are you a skateboarder? If so, I'd love to see a photo of you skateboarding. By the way, what would you like for your birthday?

  2. Hi Momo! I'm not a skateboarder but it's very exciting to watch in my opinion, and I don't know but I will tell you what I want soon
