Thursday, July 9, 2020

Statues and Monuments removed or defaced during the BLM Movement By Ethan V.

Statues and Monuments removed or defaced                         during the BLM Movement    7-9-20

By Ethan V.

    During the Black Lives Matter movement, which has heated up again recently due to the death of George Floyd, some statues and monuments have been the center of a controversy. The controversy is about cities honoring racist people through statues and monuments, like Robert E. Lee who fought for the Confederate states of America during the American Civil war. Multiple Robert E. Lee statues have been taken down and one high school was renamed after a track runner at the school said she wouldn't represent her school and have Robert E. Lee on her shirt. 

    Another statue that was taken down was a Frederick Douglass statue. This made no sense to me when I first read about it because Frederick Douglass was a freed slave and also a abolitionist. So why was his statue one of the ones taken down? It was taken down because white supremacists were seeking revenge for many confederate statues being torn down by Black Lives Matter protesters.                         



    I was really surprised at how many statues have been torn down during the BLM movement so far. Here is the list:

Coronavirus updates:                                                                                                                                      Cases globally as of July 9th: 12,387,420                                                                                                      Deaths Globally as of July 9th: 557,395                                                                                                        News story about Coronavirus: The president of Brazil, which has skyrocketed in Coronavirus cases, has tested positive for the Coronavirus after avoiding wearing a mask and downplaying the severity of the virus. Brazil is one of the countries like the US that didn't take this pandemic seriously and saw a rise in cases and deaths.




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