Monday, June 24, 2019

Toy Story 4

Seeing Toy Story 4!


     Yesterday Ethan and I saw Toy Story 4, which was great! It was pretty funny and there were some new characters introduced that I thought were cool and funny and added to the story. Some of these characters are Ducky and Bunny (played by Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele) who are really funny stuffed animal prizes at the carnival. Also introduced is Gabby Gabby, an old doll played by Christina Hendricks, who is actually kinda creepy. This movie has a deeper meaning: the toys are trying to find out What is a toy's purpose? and What makes a toy, a toy? When a new toy, Forky, that Bonnie (the girl who owns all the toys) makes, joins the gang, Forky doesn't understand what his purpose is and why Bonnie needs him. The toys go on an adventure where they realize their purpose and meet up with their long lost friend, Bo Peep. Bo Peep helps them get Forky out of trouble and also helps them realize there are many other kids in need of toys, too. The ending was incredible--emotional, real--but I'm not going to spoil it by telling you the ending.  Overall, I really liked this movie because it was funny and adventurous, and was a great way of ending the series. I got to see what the life of a toy might be like and also understand how toys have been an amazing part of my childhood!

Gabby Gabby
Ducky and Bunny

1 comment:

  1. We haven't seen this one yet! Looking forward to it though. I need to re-watch all the Toy Story movies, so I can remember the story (even though I'm sure you don't need to do that before seeing this one! lol). I'm so glad y'all like it!
