Sunday, June 23, 2019


Highwire Live
By Ethan V.
                                                Before it Happened
     Today a crazy event is happening in Times Square, New York. Nik Wallenda and his sister Lijana Wallenda are going to walk across a 25 story high wire.
Also in 2017 Lijana fell from a very tall structure with some of her coworkers while doing a practice performance on a stage. This makes it even more crazy that she is going to do it.

     This story has been on Good Morning America for the past week and there are commercials on TV sometimes. We are going to watch it and since the walk is pretty long you can watch for 10 minutes. It's on ABC and I'm excited to watch.I just hope they don't fall because I really don't want to see that today.Also I do not think I would have the guts to do that because #1, I don't hate or like heights (I guess I'm in the middle), and #2 I don't like the feeling that I could fall 25 stories on TV in front of tons of people.

                                                       After It Happened
     The show just ended and both Lijana and Nik made it across safely. The show was supposed  to start at 7:00 and it did but ABC showed tons of ads and videos about Nik and Lijana, although they didn't show stunts. Finally, after an hour and twenty minutes, they did it!They walked the wire and they actually had harnasses so that if they fell they wouldn't die. 

     The whole walk took about 37 minutes and they both made it across with out difficulty and what's cool is that they had mics so the whole time Lijana and Nik could talk to each other and we could here them. Lijana even sang a little.

     This stunt was very cool and hard to watch at some points but it was memorable.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes. I saw that was going to happen, but I was too scared to watch! Glad they made it safely.
