Saturday, August 14, 2021




    Today we watched Wall-e. I haven’t watched it recently so it was pretty new to me. I really liked the movie and thought it had a good message.
    Wall-e is set in the future where Earth is covered in trash and humans live on a giant space ship. Wall-e is a robot who has been created to compact the trash into cubes and is the only robot still working in the city. One day he finds a plant while collecting trash. When a ship comes to Earth with a robot named Eve, Wall-e is fascinated by her. She is looking for signs of life and feels hopeless until Wall-e shows her the plant he found. She shuts down until the ship comes back to take her to the Axiom, the space ship the humans live on. Wall-e gets on the ship to go back with her. She shows the Captain the plant and he hopes that they can go back to Earth. On the ship, everyone sits in hover chairs and stares at a screen all day. They were only meant to be on the ship for 5 years while the robots cleaned up Earth but it’s been 700 years. Over time, the people’s bones have grown further apart and they are all more obese than normal. When the Captain tries to make the ship go back to Earth, the autopilot tries to stop him because it doesn’t think that they can go back. The Captain is able to turn off the autopilot and gets them back to Earth where they start growing lots of plants. 
    I think this movie is trying to show a possible future for us and to show the consequences of throw away culture, where we all think we can just throw everything away without worrying of the impact on the Earth. I think they were also trying to make people aware of what could happen if we just stare at screens all the time. At one point in the movie, a woman’s screen gets turned off and she notices that there is a giant pool on the ship which she never saw before. It showed that we can miss so much when we get too sucked into whatever is on our screens and don’t appreciate what is happening around us. One last point is that they were trying to show that we can turn things around for the better. When the captain realizes he can take full control over the ship instead of relying on the autopilot robot, he actually brings them back to Earth and plants the plant which is the start of a new age for humans. 

Eve and Wall-e

1 comment:

  1. That movie, Wall-e, sounds really fun and revealing at the same time.
    Your synopsis is so good that I would like to watch it too!
