Monday, December 14, 2020

Starting my Second Quarter

 Second Quarter 

November 15, 2020

    Tomorrow will be the start of the third week in our second quarter classes. In first quarter, I had English, French, and History. This quarter I have PE, Math, and Science. We also have Advisory on Wednesdays before first period where we work on our community project (it's only 28 minutes). Our school is only doing 3 classes each quarter, so first three classes in quarter 1 and 3 and the other three classes for quarter 2 and 4. I think it has been nice to only have three classes because it's easier to balance everything. We do only have half a year for each class though, so we still have lots of work. 
    I originally thought these classes would be harder and I would have a lot more homework but I really haven't had much at all. This quarter has been easier and I enjoy the classes more. P.E. has been great because we workout everyday. We do a workout video, a game my teacher creates, or something for a specific aspect like core strength or cardio. I like having P.E. first because I get energized and it feels good to workout in the morning. Another thing I like about online learning is having a late start at 10 because I can play tennis before school. I have been going with my dad and mom to play tennis at my school's tennis courts in the morning and it's been really nice to start my day off with exercise. We are supposed to do independent work from 8-10 and then zooms start at 10 but I always finish my work after zoom classes end so I have free time in the morning.
    One not so great thing about being on zoom for school is that it's pretty draining. Something about staring at a screen all day is very tiring and it's not fun to be alone in school all day.  I really miss getting to talk to my friends during lunch and getting to work with them in class. I also find that it isn't great for my back because I am sitting all day, sometimes hunched over.
    I have done quite a few presentations over zoom and they are different than presenting in person but are still nerve racking. I feels weird to not hear anyone else or sometimes not even see their faces (if you're screen sharing in Zoom). We present everyday in science and it's been getting easier each time. We split into breakout rooms (small groups of 3-4) and then present what we wrote for the warm up questions. I don't mind presenting anymore but still don't like the thought of presentations in real life.
    Overall, online school has a been very different experience that I will never forget. I hope to be able to see my friends again at school somewhat soon.

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