Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Why I don't want a puppy By Ethan V.

                                                               Why I don't want a puppy                      7-29-20
By Ethan V.
    Ever since we've been in COVID-19 lockdown, my sister has been wanting a puppy. But I do not want one, and I have many reasons why not that I will tell you about. First, puppies can be very destructive. And I know that you can give the puppy some toys to help with this, but could still end up chewing up some pillows or ruining a couch. Another thing that would make it difficult is Izzy has guinea pigs and a puppy could try to play with them and potentially kill or injure them.
    Also, we have another dog (Noodle) who isn't friendly to some dogs and especially doesn't like very energetic dogs -- and we all know puppies have a lot of energy. I love Noodle and am on the Noodle train, which is also a major reason why I don't want a puppy.
    So these are my reasons why we shouldn't get a puppy. I would, however, want a second dog that's about 1 or 2 years old and house broken. That way I could still have many years with a dog but I wouldn't have to go through the puppy phase.
What Not to Give This Year for Christmas: Puppies!

1 comment:

  1. I read Izzy's persuasive essay first and thought she was very convincing. But your rationale is also convincing. So this discussion would certainly end up in a debate. But maybe you should think about how fortunate both of you are to already have great pets to love and care for.time for satisfaction and gratitude???
