Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Some Major School Districts Are Going Online Again In The Fall By Ethan V.

                                Some Major School Districts Are Going Online Again In The Fall   7-14-20
By Ethan V.
    On July 13th, 2020 two of the largest school districts in California, San Diego Unified School District (that I'm enrolled in) and the Los Angeles Unified School District (the second largest district in the nation), announced that the return to school in the Fall will be online. This is very sad for me personally because I am starting at a new school (Roosevelt Middle School) and I am tired of only getting to see my teachers and classmates only on Zoom.
    The Coronavirus is not showing signs of letting up any time soon and because of the safety of their students, teachers and students' families some school districts have to take a look at starting the new school year online. Major school districts in San Diego, Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York City, Nashville, Detroit and Dallas all decided to start the new school year online. 
    The San Diego Unified school district was working on different ideas of how the schools could reopen and they sent a survey to all of the parents.  The options were 1) to be on campus full time, 2) to learn from home full time (if you or your family members are higher risk to the virus), or 3) a hybrid of the other two options. My parents voted for option 1 for Izzy and me. But the survey doesn't really matter anymore because they announced we will all be doing option 2 in the Fall.
Expectations for Online Student Behavior Vary During Coronavirus ...

1 comment:

  1. I hope you keep up with news of prolonged online schooling. Write down all of the reasons you both like and dislike about this option.
