Saturday, July 4, 2020

Interesting Facts about the Fourth of July By Ethan V

Interesting Facts About the Fourth of July 7-4-20 

By Ethan V.

    Today, in honor of the Fourth of July, I will tell you some facts about the Fourth of July.

1. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence


On July 4th, 1826 Thomas Jefferson died at age 83 and John Adams died at age 90. They died within five hours of each other and remain the only two presidents who died on the same day. The day they died was also the 50 year anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776.


2. The Declaration was written on a old school laptop

And by "laptop" I don't mean the type of laptop I am writing on right now. Back in the 1700's they had little desks that would sit on your lap and you could write on. These were called laptops and Thomas Jefferson himself wrote the Declaration of Independence on one.

3. There is actually something written on the back of the Declaration

The founders actually did write something on the back of the Declaration of Independence. Although it doesn't lead to treasure like in the movie National Treasure it says Original Declaration of Independence Dated July 4th 1776. This is very lame in my opinion and I think that the Declaration would be way cooler if there actually was a treasure map on the back.

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