Saturday, July 7, 2018

Coming Back to D.C—Izzy

Coming Back to D.C. and our Spanish Test!


      Today we left Waynesboro at 7:00 am and had breakfast in the car. We ate the stuff we bought yesterday at Walmart. We finished Hamilton and listened to some other music. About half way into the ride, we listened to a book about robots and technology. It was pretty interesting. Ethan and I both fell asleep at different times. We got back to Koko's house at 9:58 and the World Cup Game started at 10:00. We rushed inside with our stuff and turned on the game. Uruguay was playing France.

     Since we could only get the game in Spanish, Koko's friend, Tali, told us some soccer phrases in Spanish. Koko turned it into a test and said there would be a reward if we got 100%. Ethan and I studied while the game finished. Koko wrote down all of the words on a paper and we had to write the English word. There were 25 words for us to memorize: (see below). Ethan and i both got 100% so I got to pick out a Japan soccer jersey and Ethan got to get the 2018 Fifa World Cup soccer ball. We aced it!

1) mas tiempo--more time
2) mano--hand
3) rojo--red
4) armarillo--yellow
5) bien partido--good game
6) partido--game
7) tarjeta--card
8) izquierda--left
9) derecha--right
10) lamenta blamente--sadly
11) arriba--up
12) limpio--clean
13) derecho--straight
14) cuerpo--body
15) cabeza--head
16) golpe--hit
17) pelota--ball
18) cancha--field
19) pie--foot
20) cuidado--careful
21) ganar--win
22) perder--lose
23) penal--penalty
24) paierna--leg


  1. Hey, I'm impressed! There were a few words/phrases in there I wasn't familiar with - way to go! :)

  2. So happy that KoKo also continued the teacher role. Hope both of you become
    proficient in Spanish someday.
