Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Ramen museum and Arriving in Japan -- ETHAN


Yesterday we arrived in Japan. We arrived at night so we didn't get to do anything. The only thing we did after the plane ride was sit on trains for 2 hours and 30 minuets. It wasn't very fun but I got a grape fizzy drink and it tasted so good!

Today we went to the Ramen Museum in Yokohama.  We had to stand in line for thirty minuets
but is was worth it because the RAMEN was SO good.  At the ramen museum store I got a train and at the mall I got an Ice Cream cone wrapped in cotton candy. It was SO good! Also I got a new Polar bear plushie. He is SO soft.

For dinner we had Japanese curry and Yakisoba. Reiko and Fumiko made it. It was delicious!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! The Japan adventures begin. Can't wait to read the rest. Have a blast!!
