Saturday, August 12, 2017


On Wednesday August 9th  we went from Hiroshima to Kyoto by the Bullet Train🚄. We are staying at Yuji's house and we are with Yuji's cousin, Mitsuko. He has a giant condo and we all love it. Mitsuko picked us up at the train station and then we took the bus for an hour to the house. We chilled for two hours and then we took the bus to the shopping place.We saw a lot of  good stores but my favorite one was full of seal stuff. LITERALLY everything is seal. I got something for my friend Alex, who loves seals. I got him a charm and myself a seal keychain. I got three seals stacked on top of each other. For dinner we had Ramen and you got your own stall which I didn't like it cuz you can't talk to any one. We took the bus home and I took a bath. I didn't like it because it was to hot. If there was less water maybe I would like it.

On Thursday we took the bus to Fushimi Inari Shrine. There are over 10,000 gates and they are over 1300 years old. We hiked all the way to the top of the mountain and back! We didn't get a good view though. It was super hot and we earned a reward so we got shaved ice. Izzy, V, and Cia all got lemon  but I got Hawaiian. We took the bus to  Iternationl Manga museum and Manga is anime. There I got a sketch book. For  dinner we had Chao Chao Gyoza. It was SOOOO good. When we got out it was raining, and Cia and I made a dance.

On Friday it is our 3rd and last day/night in Kyoto.  We went to Iwatayama monkey mountain. There were so many monkeys! We got bags of bananas and peanuts to feed the monkeys. There is a fence and monkeys climb on it and they grab the food out of your hand and eat. A baby monkey ate out of my hand! When we were walking down the mountain it poured and Cia and I did our rain dance. Next we went to the bamboo grove. It is SO cool! There is SO much bamboo. After that we took a bus to old town and  we took a quick walk through there. We went to the Nishiki market and it was SO cool there is SO much awesome stuff there. I got some candy. For dinner we had ramen AGAIN and it was SO good. I got a calpis slushee from 7 eleven for the third night in a row and it was SO good!

Tomorrow we are going to Kamakura again.

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