Thursday, July 6, 2017

Going To 1775! -ETHAN

GOING TO 1775!😮😮😮

Today we went to the WILLIAMSBURG! We went there because we have been listening to HAMILTON the play that is all raps. Williamsburg is where JAMES MADISON, LAFAYETTE, JOHN LAURENS, HERCULES MULLIGAN, AND OF COURSE GEORGE WASHINGTON passed through during the war. THOMAS JEFFERSON actually was the governor of Virginia and HAMILTON lived there during the time. My favorite part was the RANDOLPHS house. The most part of the house is from 1717! THAT IS ABOUT 300 YEARS OLD! Except the add on to the house is from 1753. I think the most fancy room is the dining room.In every tour( like the Randolphs house) 

there is a guide dressed up as a person that lived in the 1700s and the girls wear a dress and a boy wears a colonial uniform. I  would not want to wear a boys uniform because it looks HOT!

Each 13 colonies had their own uniform and in WILLIAMSBURG they wear the VIRGINIA uniform. George Washington made the rule that each coloney had to have their own uniform. The picture of a person going to war up there ↑is not a VIGINIAN UNIFORM.Except I do not know which colonies wear this  UNIFORM.I am glad that we are not living in the 1700's because we don't get TVS in the 1700s.😭😭


  1. haha, Ethan, you are Mister-Long-Sleeves-under-your-shirt!! We always think YOU'RE super hot! I love your observations and I love that you guys are listening to Hamilton so much and really getting into it!!

  2. Did you know Lafayette passed through my small hometown Gallipolis, Ohio? I've never been to Williamsburg so you'll have to tell me more later!

  3. I am so impressed with all of the history you are learning about the Colonies and the 1700s! Ask Ko Ko to tell you about the different uniforms that worn at the Academies -- Naval, West Point, Air Force.
    The tradition is still there!

  4. What an amazing, fun history lesson!
