Friday, June 30, 2017

Last Day Of Camp Part 2 -- ETHAN

The second thing we did today was to go to the Children's Growing Garden. They handed out paper bags and then we picked the leaves from herbs they told us to pick. They told us to pick ROSEMARY, SAGE,  and BASIL.  Izzy and I both collected more Basil than any other leaf. I do  not like the smell of any of those plants.

Chalk Art 6-30-17
This is my second print.
This is Izzy's only print.
This is my first print.
Today for our second art  we did chalk art. The steps are: 1)  get special pastel paper; 2) do the design you want on the paper but DRAW WITH CHALK. The print you see on the left is my second print. Below is my first print .

My favorite part of camp 6-30-17
 My favorite part of camp was  the chalk art because you get to do anything and you get messy.

1 comment:

  1. You didn't like the smell of basil?! I LOVE BASIL!! :)
    I LOVE your chalk art, too!!
