Thursday, June 29, 2017

Camp Day Four Part 2--Izzy

                                Day 4 of Camp Part 2-6/29/2017

After we did our art, we went to the Children's Garden. I played on top of the hollowed out logs with some other girls from our camp. I also went into the small stream and waded around in it. Some people ran on the hills and played tag. That was our last activity of the day. Another activity we did was mirror writing. You write the words and letters backwards. Leonardo Da Vinci had a pratice of doing mirror writing.

As Ethan explained in part 1, the main activity was watercolors and here are mine:
This painting is a meadow with a lake beyond it and the sunset.
I really love cats so I decided to paint one.

When we went to the Morton Arboretum, we had a map of the arboretum that showed you how to make an origami tree. I made many, some out of newspaper and some out of origami paper. The size of the paper changed the size of the tree. The newspaper was bigger, so those trees were bigger. The trees made out of newspaper represent the city and the trees made out of origami paper show the forest. This is the final product:

Another thing we did today was calligraphy with Jiji during our Japanese lesson. We did some of the alphabet and it was very fun. Jiji showed us that the brush tip should be pointed. He said that you learn how to do calligraphy in first grade at a Japanese school.

This is when we were folding to paper to show us where to write.


  1. This is my favorite post of yours so far, Iz!! I LOVE your origami trees!!! BEAUTIFUL!! Same with your water color.
    I also love that jiji did calligraphy with you guys. Incredible.

  2. I love your trees too and I'm glad I got to see them on FaceTime! Your calligraphy looks awesome (and so does Jiji's :))
